Noise complaints aren’t just for rowdy neighbors. Peco Pallet Inc in Pennsylvania was cited for various violations, including one willful violation. A willful violation is when the employer knowingly failed to comply with legal requirements or acted plain indifferent to employee safety.
After investigating Peco Pallet Inc., OSHA found that the company did not have proper controls to reduce noise levels and did not conduct audiometric testing for exposed employees. Additionally, OSHA found that Peco Pallet Inc. failed to report a hospitalization, which is required according to OSHA’s reporting requirements.
So why so much fuss over noise? High levels of noise can cause irreversible effects in the employees hearing, including permanent hearing loss. Employers must take precautionary actions if employees are exposed to an 8-hour time weighted average of 85 decibels or more.
Here are few ways to protect your employees:
If you are concerned about the noise levels in your facility or would like more information, contact SRP Environmental at (318) 222-2364 or email us.
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