Environmental compliance is necessary to remain in business. Many facilities feel intimidated by annual environmental reporting, like the Toxic Release Inventory Form R and Tier II Chemical Report. But SRP Environmental consultants have found that environmental compliance does not have to be intimidating.
Here Are 8 Tips for Annual Chemical Reporting
Tier I & Tier II Reports – Section 312
Do you have a safety data sheet for the chemical or product? Make sure to report it. SDS = Reportable.
- Do you have more than 10,000 pounds of the chemical or product on any given site at one time?
- Do you check the “List of Lists?” Depending on the chemical or product, there could be lower thresholds for hazardous substances. Always be sure to check the List.
- Do you have forklifts or computer servers? Remember to include the batteries in the report.
REMINDER: Tier II’s are due every year on March 1.
Toxic Release Inventory Form R – Section 313
- Do you know your reporting category? Categories are industry specific to include mining, utilities, manufacturing merchant wholesalers, publishing, hazardous waste and federal facilities.
- Do you manufacture or process more than 25,000 pounds per year of a particular chemical?
- Do you store or use more than 10,000 pounds of a chemical or product? Make sure to distinguish between chemicals that are manufactured or processed and chemicals that are stored.
- Did you know that TRI substances can be labeled as carcinogens? TRI also contains persistent bio accumulative toxic chemicals (PBTs) and thresholds are substantially lower. Make sure to check the EPA for an updated list of reportable chemicals.
REMINDER: TRI Form R is due every year on July 1.
Source: Environmental Compliance Alert, July 3, 2017 & Jennifer Van Thomme, Chemical Engineer at GHD
Have Questions? Talk to an SRP Environmental Consultant Today! SRP provides Tier II and TRI reporting services for many different types of facilities and companies. Call SRP at (866) 222-4972 or email us below!