Asbestos Services
If you plan on performing the demolition, renovation or maintenance of an older building, make sure an asbestos survey has been conducted.
SRP can assist with
Lead Paint Investigations and Inspections
Lead overexposure is one of the most common overexposures found in industry and is a leading cause of workplace illness and a major public health risk. Our experts will conduct a lead-paint survey and assist with the remediation process.
Exposure Monitoring & Assessments Surveys
In an effort to limit employee exposure to harmful contaminants, SRP evaluates and determines if exposure monitoring is necessary and what type of sampling is required to meet OSHA standards.
SRP measures exposure to contaminants including
Noise Exposure Monitoring and Community Noise Surveys
Occupational Noise can affect the human body and can harm workers when they occur at high levels. SRP Industrial Hygienists measure and document noise exposures and provide recommendations to bring your company into compliance. Should the noise exposures exceed the OSHA Permissible Noise Levels, SRP can assist with the development and implementation of a Hearing Conservation Program, including noise control and abatement.
Heat Stress
Operations involving high air temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct physical contact with hot objects, or strenuous physical activities have a high potential for inducing heat stress. SRP will develop a Heat Stress Program to include the evaluation of heat stress levels, and the employees work practices to minimize the effects.
Indoor Environmental & Air Quality
The quality of air inside offices, schools, and other workplaces is important not only for workers’ comfort but also for their health. SRP Environmental inspects the building or facility for potential areas of hazard.
Lead Paint Investigations and Inspections
Lead overexposure is one of the most common overexposures found in industry and is a leading cause of workplace illness and a major public health risk. Our experts will conduct a lead-paint survey and assist with the remediation process.
Mold Removal – Fungal and Bacterial Investigations
Fungi, or mold, can grow within 24-48 hours following a water intrusion. Bacterial contamination can occur due to Black or Gray water contamination. At SRP Environmental, we use state-of-the-art technology to identify fungal or bacterial growth and develop a site specific plan for remediation.