For over 20 years, SRP Safety Consultants have helped companies maintain OSHA compliance in oil and gas, manufacturing, chemical, agricultural, construction and healthcare industries.
SRP can provide any type of safety service from an OSHA Compliance Inspection to development of a Corporate Safety Plan. Each of the safety services are specifically tailored to the individual client and their operations.
OSHA Safety Audits & Evaluations
SRP’s Safety Consultants will
OSHA Representation
SRP Safety Consultants will
Site Safety Health Officer
SRP provides a primary or alternate SSHO during the bidding process and on the job. SSHO’s can relieve your current Site Safety Health Officer for a few days, weeks or months at a time. SRP Site Safety Health Officers meeting EM 385-1-1 requirements, which is mandatory for all all United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) projects and most Federal Construction Projects including Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC).
Safety Program Development
SRP Safety Consultants Will
Mandatory OSHA Safety Training
All training will be documented to meet strict OSHA requirements. Based on the type of training administered the appropriate documents, training cards or certificates will be issued upon successful completion of training. required safety training programs
Listed below are commonly required OSHA programs.