Connor Sampson started his coding path early by taking apart his father’s first laptop. From that point on, he desired to learn as much as he could about technology. During high school, he taught himself to code. He began learning python, which rewarded him with a research position and teaching assistant role in the first year at his alma mater, Hofstra University. During his BA in French and Computer Science at Hofstra, he started his own company, Maison de Code, where he created bespoke applications for his clients.
He also worked for SRP Environmental throughout his collegiate career and finally decided to join the company when he realized he could help further the company’s success with technology. Since then, he has been growing the Technology Services Department, leading the team in building custom applications such as SRP in Field, Base Assist, and Eruditent. Connor and his team aim to further the customer’s experience with SRP Environmental and make viable solutions to real-world problems.